

Χώρος διεξαγωγής



‘Let’s improvise together!’ An interactive workshop on tsiattista and other distichs

What are tsiattista? How do they differ from other types of distichs found in Cypriot oral poetry? Can anyone compose a distich or a tsiattisto, or is their composition the priviledge of a chosen few?

In this interactive workshop with Nicoletta Demetriou, participants will be asked to complete distichs using words or phrases that will be given to them, they will ‘play’ with different forms of the distich, and will look at how one can build a rhyming couplet step-by-step.

The workshop is offered as part of the 5th Klirou Cultural Festival.

Open to all; no prior experience necessary. Language of instruction: Cypriot Greek.

Information: [email protected]